? SLP系列卫生型转子泵适用于有严格卫生要求的食品,调味品,乳制品,制*等相关行业.转子泵的设计是基于无接触的两凸轮的同步转动,以适应输送稀的或粘稠物料,甚至是含有固体的悬浮物料.坚固的齿轮箱和短轴保证**小的偏差,在没有前轴套的条件下可以在高压(22bars)下工作 易维护 SLP系列卫生型转子泵的密封件和密封座在不用拆卸管道的条件下,通过拆卸泵头的前盖就可以更换或拆除.能够进行CIP在线就地清洗. 轴封: SLP系列卫生型转子泵的轴封采用机械密封,唇型密封或O型圈密封,有单密封和带水冲洗两种. 转子 为了得到比较高的效率,**小的内部滑动和更长的使用寿命,转子的几何形状是经经过***的研究,使用三维CAD设计完成.转子的卫生性能设计是通过前端一个O型圈和联结轴套处一个O型圈来防止工作流体进入轴的花键. Application The sanitary lobe pumps SLP, has been designed specially for the Food, Dairy, Pharmaceutical and related industries, for which, comply with the most stringent hygiene requirements. The pumping system based on synchronous operation of the lobed without contacting each other, make it a suitable pump for thin or viscous products, even with solids in suspension, The sturdiness of the gearbox and the short shafts resistant to deflection, allow to work at high pressure(22bars)without need of support front bushings. Easy maintenance Seals and seal casing (cartridge) in the SLP pump can be changed and dismantled front the front part of the pump without disconnecting it of the pipelines, cleaning can be affected in place (CIP). Shaft sealing The shaft sealing in the SLP pump it can be by mechanical seal. Lip seal or o-ring seal. These arrangements can also be supplied either with or without flushing. Rotors In order to get maximum efficiency, minimum internal slip and longer service life, the rotors geometry has been determined after a wide studied, using dimensional cad technology. Rotors are of sanitary design provided with o-ring (head) and the shaft sleeve o-ring avoid the process liquid get to the shaft splints. 安全阀 Safety relief valve 调整安全阀的压力,当超压安全阀打开释放压力 Adjustable pressure relief valve act a by-pass of overpressure. 性能参数/performances ****:160m3/h????????? flow up160m3/h **大压力:22bars??????????? Max. Pressure 22bars 比较高温度:180℃???????????? Max.temperature180℃ 主要特点/advantages 无需从管线上拆下就可以???????????????????? Easy maintenance without 维修保护?????????????????????????????????? removing pipelines 结构紧凑?????????????????????????????????? Compact construction 转子间无摩擦?????????????????????????????? no friction between rotors 有几种转子供选择?????????????????????????? several rotor option 低噪音???????????????????????????????????? Low noise lever 降低维修费用?????????????????????????????? reduced maintenance cost 高效率???????????????????????????????????? high efficiency 可反转????? ???????????????????????????????reversible 安全阀(供选择)????????????????????????????? safety relief valve (optional) 进出口联结形式:DIN ,SMS,CLAMP.ISO等.?????? Several connection options DIN, SMS, Clamp, ISO等???????????????????????????????? Clamp, ISO 适用范围/applications 适用于调味品,饮料,啤酒,果汁,奶制品,制*,糖制品,食用油,肉制品,化妆品,洗涤剂等粘稠或稀释液体的输送. Condiment, Beverage, Beer, Juices, Dairy, Pharmaceutical, Confectionery, Edible, Oils, Meat pastes, Cosmetics, detergents etc. 材料/materials 所有与物料接触部件为316L不锈钢 泵轴采用**度不锈钢 O型圈为食用级丁睛橡胶(perbunan),硅橡胶(silicon),三元乙丙(EODM),氟橡胶(VITON),聚四氟乙稀(PTFE)标准机械密封采用石墨一碳化硅 All parts in touch with the product are made of stainless316L The pump shafts are high rigidity stainless O-rings are Food quality Perbuman (NBR), silicon (VMQ), EPDM, VITON (FPM), PTFE Normal mechanical seals are carbon-sic