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食品、饮料加工设备 » 饼干机械 » 生产销售LY-125型自动


  • 产品价格:面议
  • 所属行业:饼干机械
  • 关 键 词:
  • 浏览次数:32次
  • ***更新:2016-12-30 11:30:54
  • 在线洽淡联系我们
  • 公司名称:上海龙应机械制造有限公司
  • 联 系 人:杨辉 先生
  • 联系手机:15800512107
  • 联系固话:021-39906089-805
  • 联系地址:嘉定区马陆镇丰饶路362号
  • 商铺网址:http://www.espjx.cn/shop/f4e5df2


LY-125型自动装盒机(板装型) LY-125 Type Automatic Cartoning Machine 产品特点: 本机是连续运行的全自动装盒机,是机电一体化的高科技产品,完全符合GMP要求。该机由产品输送带、产品吸放机构、自动下说明书机构、自动打码机构和纸盒包装机组成,比较高运转速度可达100盒/分,我公司根据各种产品的生产设备设计与装盒机联接的进料机构方便用户**、节约化管理。主要特点:变换规格方便快捷,特别适用于规格众多的产品。 Product Features: This machine is continuous motion standing cartoning machine. It is high technology integrative product, which can fully meet requirement of GMP. LY-125 is composed of products conveying belt, box feeding and releasing system, encoder system and box packing machine. Max speed is up to 100 boxes per minute. According to different production equipment, we designed feeding system combined with this machine, which contributes to high efficiency and economical management for our clients. The main advantage is easy and convenient for specification interchange, so it will be more suitable for variable specification. 产品应用: 本机***用于制*、食品、日化等众多领域的包装。如:制*的固体制剂(片剂、胶囊剂等)产品的泡罩装盒,膏状、乳脂、胶体产品软膏的装盒,用于西林瓶、安培瓶、注射器的托盘式的装盒,用于液体、固体**的瓶式装盒;用于粉末和颗粒产品的袋式装盒等。食品类的各种形式的袋式装盒,各种灌装、盒装的装盒,甜品、巧克力、糖果、饼干、瓶装式酒类、冷冻制品的装盒等。日化类的膏状、乳脂、洗液、胶体产品软管或袋装式、瓶状的装盒,牙膏、肥皂制品的装盒,电灯泡、计算机软盘、胶带卷、摄影胶卷等各形式装盒。 Product Application: It is widely used for different packing including drug, food, commodity and cosmetic. For drug industry such as :cover box for solid torch and capsule, soft box for liquid paste, grease and colloid, tray box for vial, ampule bottle, and injector, as well as bottle box for solid and liquid drug and bag box for powder and grain products . For food field such as : carton for cans , sweet, chocolate, candy, biscuit, wine, and freezing food, and so on. For commodity and cosmetic industry such as : carton for cream, grease, lotion, colloid, toothpaste, soap, lamp, computer floppy disk. 主要技术参数 Main Technical Parameters: 普通型 外形尺寸(mm) specification of machine(mm) 1300(L)×1200(W)×1500(H) 包装尺寸(mm) packaging dimension(mm) (L)49-120×(W)30-80×(H)14-50 包装速度 packaging speed 40-100盒(cases)/分(min) 用气量 air consumption 5-8 L/Min 总功率 total power 1.5kw 电压 voltage 220V/380V/50Hz 整机重量(约) weight(about) 950kg 特定型 外形尺寸(mm) specification of machine(mm) 1400(L)×1300(W)×1550(H) 包装尺寸(mm) packaging dimension(mm) (L)220×(W)120×(H)90 包装速度 packaging speed 40-100盒(cases)/分(min) 用气量 air consumption 5-8 L/Min 总功率 total power 1.5kw 电压 voltage 220V/380V/50Hz 整机重量(约) weight(about) 950kg



**企业 第 1 年


  • 会员级别:**企业 [第9年] **: 1 级
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